February 12th, 2016
February 3rd, 2016-Incident was one (1) of the more recent of Incidents among the many violent Incidents involving abuse, violence, & harassment against Victims, Ural Direk & Kemal Direkoglu, while Ural & Kemal have been protesting for a very long time with sandwich-billboards on Ural & Kemal while also handing out Notices & giving out Protest-Speeches!
While Victims, Kemal Direkoglu & Ural Direk, were on February 3rd, 2016 protesting, Man with Pit-bull attacked Kemal & Ural after harassing Kemal & Ural (also verbally indicating to Kemal & Ural to go back to our country) for at least around twenty minutes! Man siked(ph or sic) & directed his white Pit-bull at Victim, Kemal Direkoglu, & Kemal Direkoglu continued going backwards to avoid being bitten by dog & hit by man while Victims, Ural Direk & Kemal Direkoglu, were verbally indicating to man to stop & to direct his dog to stop, but, he kept attacking with dog that was also attacking & barking at us while man was siking(ph or sic) & directing his dog at Victim, Kemal Direkoglu!
After man & his dog attacked Victim, Kemal Direkoglu, for around 15 metres, Kemal Direkoglu fell onto road and injured further his past-injured shoulder, injured his right thigh area next/adjacent to his buttocks, & injured his left ankle!
Then, man turned to other Victim, Ural Direk, & siked(ph or sic) & directed his white Pit-bull at Ural Direk!
One (1) of the alleged witnesses who was also standing for & near the man had, against Victims, Ural Direk & Kemal Direkoglu, also earlier indicated go back to your country while man with dog was harassing Peaceful-Protestors, Ural Direk & Kemal Direkoglu!
Continued are Criminally-Conspiratorial Provocations & Acts, also for the purposes of having Victims, Kemal Direkoglu & Ural Direk, further tortured & wrongly/wrongfully arrested, charged, convicted, killed, murdered!
Conspirators also utilize the Social-Media Outlets, Mass Media, & System (inclusive of Canadian Justice System & Government) to further fraudulently conceal their Criminal Conspiracies & other serious Crimes committed against Ural Direk, Kemal Direkoglu, their Family-Members, & other Victims, inclusive of Crimes Against Humanity!
Pit-bulls jaws are known to lock when they bite onto something! Man siking(ph or sic) & directing his dog to attack us like that could also be considered Attempted-Murder & Attempt-To-Cause-Serious-Bodily-Harm-Severely! Also, Pit-bulls are dangerous & there are bans in Canada's Province of Ontario (which contains the city of Toronto in which Victims, Kemal Direkoglu & Ural Direk, reside & in which abovementioned Feb 3rd, 2016-Incident occurred) in respect to the Pit-bull breed of dogs! Also in the Toronto Star's October 6th, 2014-Published Article entitled, "Ontario's pit bull ban is working and mustn't be repealed: Editorial", it states, "Ontario's pit bull ban produced a remarkable reduction of bites in Toronto. It's further evidence that the ban should stay in place. ...It makes sense to attribute that massive reduction to the province's pit bull law. It's a misnomer to call it a ban. Hundreds of pit bulls remain in Toronto. The legislation forbids their breeding and importation; it requires them to be neutered, and they must be leashed and muzzled when appearing in public. These reasonable measures are obviously working to protect the community from serious harm."! Contrary to Ontario's abovementioned pit bull law, the Man with the white pit bull also obviously did not have his pit bull muzzled! [REFER TO & CLICK ON: Below Url/Link leading to, & for, Toronto Star Article, "Ontario's pit bull ban is working and mustn't be repealed: Editorial", published Oct. 6th, 2014!]
All this is a product of the continued over 27 year-long bad-faith criminally-conspiratorial connections at top of Justice System, Government, & their Co-Conspirators, all of whom are discriminatory!
Four (4) Toronto Police Officers arrived to the Scene, one of which was a Female, and a Police Cruiser also came right at the Incident-Location in respect to abovementioned February 3rd, 2016-Incident, which occurred at around 5P.M.!