Seemingly never-ending over 24
year-long Legal-Battle in Canada
Notice is further to Ural Direk’s (“UD”) & Kemal Direkoglu’s (“KD”) “NOTICE”, dated September 22nd,
2012, to the Attention of “WORLD JEWISH
COMMUNITY”, Sept. 22, 2012-dated Notice of which can be viewed by googling either
of “Ural Direk” or “Kemal Direkoglu” on Internet. Lives are under threat. Filed
34093 S.C.C. Evidences & Evidences further manifest that Canadian Government
(“Government”), Canadian Justice System (“Justice System”), Supreme Court of
Canada [“S.C.C.”]), Attorney General of Ontario (“A.G.O.”), & their
Co-Conspirators committed highest treachery & conspiracy, under Subsection
465.(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada
[“Criminal Code”], to have further fraudulently concealed, under Section
341 of the Criminal Code, the
evidences further confirming Crimes
Against Humanity committed by High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures against
Canadian Society. Prime Minister of
Canada, Mr. Stephen Harper, had appointed as S.C.C. Judges the same “Court of
Appeal for Ontario” (“C.A.”) Judges who directly criminally conspired against
UD & Family when before the S.C.C. was the 34093 S.C.C. Matter also against
these aforementioned Judges & their decisions. 34093 S.C.C. Case Information Docket
criminally conspiratorially fraudulently indicates S.C.C. had, in September
2012, closed 34093 S.C.C. File: 1. after trailer of our evidences served &
filed on 34093 S.C.C. File between January 2011 & August 2012; 2. even
though 34093 S.C.C. Matter has not concluded; 3. without S.C.C. Judges
rendering their Determination(s)/Decision(s)/Judgment(s)
on extraordinary over 24 year-long Matter of magnitudinal degree; 4. while we
(Co-Applicants [Co-Plaintiffs]) were continuing to serve & file further
supplementary materials on belowmentioned 34093 S.C.C. Motion to Chief Judge;
5. After Mr. Harper’s abovementioned appointment of these same abovementioned
Judges. S.C.C. Judges have not heard & determined our belowmentioned
Motions, which were mandatory for S.C.C. Judges to hear & determine. Canadian Government & Justice System: 1. are
Criminal Organizations, as defined under s. 467.1.(1) of Criminal Code; 2. formed through inter alia Nepotism & Cronyism of which greatly contributes to
continuation of belowmentioned Jewish Conspiracy; 3. have secret policies that
award their Conspirators & officials who commit crimes against minority
population & in the interest of High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures (who
puppet people & Institutions), also by placing them in higher-ranking
positions while maintaining secret barriers to continue depriving people of
minority population from opportunities & positions. There is High-Authoritative-Systemic-Criminal-Jewish-Chained-Conspiracy
to inter alia further deprive,
divide, conquer, & destroy the people of taxpayers & minority
population (“minority population”) of this diverse multicultural &
multiracial Canada, minority population of which is made up of over 170
different minorities/ethnicities & consists of over 98% of the population
in Canada. High-Authorititative-Jewish-Figures infiltrate their Conspirators
into, & underhandedly use, known people, doctors, service-providers,
acquaintances, & relatives of people of minority population against people
of minority population while isolating them. S.C.C. & 29 Canadian Institutions &
Entitites continue criminally conspiratorially fraudulently concealing 34093
S.C.C. Notices of Constitutional Question & their Motion to Chief Judge (“Minority
Motion”) brought March 2012, also for protection, & opportunity to,
minority population also pursuant to s. 27 Charter
right to preserve & enhance multicultural heritage of Canadians. We also note s. 15 Charter right to equality. World
Community must assist in movement (“Minority Movement”) of minority
population to obtain their justice, which is to also include national protest (“Minority
March”) divided into each & every city in Canada for an uprise to
establish Minority Government & Minority Justice System that will
represent minority population and stop oppression, deprivation, & torture against
taxpayers & minority population. UD’s
1st Lawyer (former Lawyer), Mr. Jack M. Futerman (retained Sept. 19th,
1988), Justice System, & their Conspirators were Racist against German
Specialist Dr. Klaus Kuch, who had seen & treated UD and who testified at criminally
conspiratorially pre-arranged December 1995 Motor Vehicle Accident (“M.V.A.”) Civil-Trial
before Conspirator Mr. Justice William P. Somers (“Somers J.”) with
Conspirators’ tampered Jury, also therefore UD & his Family still not
compensated after over 24 years. All of
many Trial-Exhibit Specialist Doctor Reports, Reports, Specialist Doctors’
testimonies, Doctors’ testimonies, & others’ testimonies further confirm
severe injuries, damages, & losses to UD & his Family, Reports &
testimonies of which clearly describe aforementioned severe injuries, damages,
& losses. [Reference: Exhibits 1, 7, 8, & 30 (4 Transcripts) to
34093 file-numbered S.C.C. Affidavit, Affirmed
March 9th, 2012; 34093 S.C.C. File; 95-MU-12232, 95-MU-12233,
& 404-625/90U Superior Court of Justice (“S.C.J.”) Files; Reference: Transcript of Examination of Discovery of
Ertug Direkoglu, Exhibit 1 to 34093 S.C.C. Affidavit, Affirmed July 3rd, 2012]. Originating Matter started from UD’s injuries from August 23rd,
1988 M.V.A.. UD’s Lawyers & their supporters did not secure UD’s no-fault
disability benefits & caused UD’s Wife to developed psychological-problems
& UD being short of rent payments. With 3 infant children, UD evicted from
his home by Court-Order causing homelessness. Entire Family severely effected. UD
& his Wife both working full-time before M.V.A. injuries. 3rd
infant child born around 7 months after M.V.A.. Happy family prior to injuries.
Justice system attacks to destroy families in critical situations instead of
helping families recover. UD’s last chance to put family on right track to
recovery was at abovementioned Trial. Crimes followed up from this originating
matter reaching over 24 year-long Chained-Systemic-Crimes. Justice System &
Government has potential to kill all non-Jews to hide crimes of 1 Jew &
their mentality is a serious threat to entire Jewish Community. (Pg. 2 of 2 of “DIREKNOTICE”,
dated Nov. 10th, 2012, to ATTN. of “WORLD COMMUNITY”) Canadian
Government & Justice System use Agents interior & exterior of Canada,
including Agents in Cyprus, to: 1. strategically fraudulently have changed
critical decisions of courts in Canada; 2. produce fraudulent evidences to suit
fraudulent decisions of their courts in Canada. [Reference: Filed 34093 S.C.C.
Evidences & Evidences; Filed CV-09-386582 S.C.J. Evidences]. International Court of Geneva in Switzerland
has to-date not responded to our communications with evidences, also because
High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures use in bad faith their World Agents and are
specialized in providing wrong pictures & false images to Societies. Non of decisions of Courts are independent
from interests of abovementioned Jewish-Conspiracy. As of 2010: 1. Canada’s total population =
33,890,000; 2. Jews in Canada = 375,000 (which is 1.1% of Canada’s Population);
3. Toronto’s Jewish Population: 180,000 (almost half of Canada’s Jewish
Population); 4. Toronto comes 15th for metropolitan areas with
largest core Jewish Population; 5. World Jewish Population – 13,428,300; 6. World
Jewry constituted 1.95 per 1,000 of world’s total population of 6.9 billion
(which means that World Jewish Population is far less than 1% of World
Population); 7. 1 in about 510 people in world is a Jew. Abovementioned Jewish-Conspiracy is
semantically a poisonous radiation-type cancer inter alia contaminating, manipulating, & crippling the young
generation. Criminal Conspiracy to
direct S.C.C. to fraudulently: 1. omit UD’s 26836 S.C.C. Matter from captions
seen after googling [NOTE: S.C.C. placed 26836 S.C.C. Caption back on
Internet.]; 2. shroud 1 of UD’s & KD’s S.C.C. Applications, also by hiding
it under 34093 S.C.C. Application as opposed to assigning it another S.C.C.
File #; 3. conceal the fact that UD & his Family received no money at all
from abovementioned Trial; 4. indicate that UD received money from
abovementioned Trial. Of international
importance are 34093 S.C.C. Evidences & Evidences revolving around the
alleged Holocaust, evidences of which continue to be concealed from Canadian
& World Societies by Justice System & Government. Justice System & Government refuse to
resolve our over 24 year-long Legal-Matter, & S.C.C. refuses to hear &
determine [render decision(s)/judgment(s)] 34093 S.C.C. Matter, also because
Matter exposes evidences further manifesting that High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures
are the cause of the deaths of Innocent Jews during the reign of Adolf Hitler
& his Nazis. Indeed,
High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures & their Co-Conspirators, Agents, &
supporters alleged that (over) 6 Million Jews died during “Holocaust” alleged
to have occurred. Also to cover up facts revolving around alleged Jewish
Holocaust, Justice System & Government do not compensate UD & Family
for over 24 years & refuse to hear Matter with no fault on part of Innocent
UD & Family. Disabled-Tortured Victims won Matters 100% but Justice System
& Government do not admit & do not compensate Victims of minority
population and, instead, traversed 1 Legal-Matter into over 120 seemingly-eternal
Matters while deliberately causing the deaths of Victims. 34093 S.C.C. Evidences & Evidences further
confirm that, in the benefit of the World Community & World Jewish
Community, ungodly actions of High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures will ultimately
lead not only to Jewish-People being removed & forbidden from High-Authoritative,
Authoritative, & Strategical Positions but also to other significant
things, also because High-Authoritative-Jewish-Figures represent interests of
abovementioned Jewish Conspiracy as opposed to representing the people. Though World People should still appreciate,
& thank God, that World Jewish Population is not a lot larger than what it
currently is. There must be effective organizations, measures, & sanctions
put in place to eliminate abovementioned Jewish-Conspiracy, which is harmful
& dangerous to humanity, & thereby prevent bigger calamity. As
indicated in Sept. 22nd, 2012-dated Notice, S.C.C. concealing &
re-attempted to spoliate (have destroyed) our filed 34093 S.C.C. evidences
& evidences further confirming Crimes
Against Humanity. We kindly request that Canadian &
World Societies urge S.C.C. not to recycle the filed 34093 S.C.C. Evidences
& Evidences. You can protect &
save your children, family, & Society from larger calamity without
endeavourment & without having been tortured for over 24 years, by
contacting S.C.C.. We politely request that you & Canadian Citizens please
strongly urge S.C.C. to have Coram/Panel consisting of Chief Justice &
Puisne Judges (as indicated) to hear & determine [render decision(s)/
ALIA, LEAVE TO APPEAL TO THE S.C.C. & 34093 S.C.C. Motion to Chief
Judge for Omnibus Relief. You could
contact S.C.C. through the following full contact-information:
301 Wellington Street; Ottawa, Ontario; K1A-0J1, CANADA (Signatures of Ural Direk & Kemal Direkoglu)
1-(613)-996-8666; Fax:
50 Dixington Crescent, Unit 9,
Tor., ON., CANADA, M9P-2K4; Tel.: (416) 243-6056; Fax: (416) 243-9396
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